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RADIX Tim Fertilizer

RADIX Tim Fertilizer

Introducing RADIX Tim, the plant nutrient solution that will give your crops the boost they need to thrive. With a powerful blend of amino acids, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, RADIX Tim provides a range of essential nutrients that plants need to grow strong and healthy.

What sets RADIX Tim apart from other fertilizers is its unique composition of 5% free amino acids, 2.9% nitrogen, 9.8% phosphorus, and 3.5% potassium, plus zinc 0.2%. This special NPK fertilizer is infused with amino acids of vegetable origin, minerals, and more, making it an ideal rooting product that promotes healthy root development.




RADIX Tim works by stimulating and encouraging root growth and development, providing essential minerals such as zinc for root growth, and protecting the roots from damage with the preventive action of the phosphite ion. Its liquid formula is completely soluble in water, making it easy to apply using various irrigation methods such as fertigation, drip, or spraying.

Application of RADIX Tim is easy, with a recommended dosage of 4-6 liters per hectare for root application and 20-40 liters per hectare per crop cycle. With its fast-acting properties, RADIX Tim promotes optimal root growth and improves crop yields, ensuring healthier and stronger plants.

In summary, if you are looking for a high-quality plant nutrient solution that is rich in essential nutrients and promotes optimal root growth and development, then RADIX Tim is the perfect choice for you. Don’t wait any longer, give your plants the boost they deserve and order RADIX Tim today!


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