Imidacloprid 0.5G, manufactured by Quali-Pro, is insecticide granules that contain the active ingredient with the same name.
The granules are comparable to Merit Granules and are great for treating white grubs, chinch bugs, mole crickets, European crane flies, Japanese beetles, Green June Beetle, Northern masked chafer, Southern masked chaferand many more turf pests.
The best thing about Imidacloprid 0.5G is that it has a residual effect of 3 months so you won’t have to apply it as often. If you have damaging turf insects present, Imidacloprid 0.5G is the answer.
Tools Needed
To apply Imidacloprid .5G, a handheld spreader or push spreader is needed for general applications.
How to Use
- Step 1: For general treatment to lawns, measure the area being treated and pour the correct amount of Imidacloprid .5G in the spreader. The typical rate is 60-80 lbs pre acre or 1.4 to 1.8 lb per 1000 sq ft.
- Step 2: Follow the label for spreader settings and make adjustments so your spreader is calibrated properly.
- Step 3: Push the spreader at a steady pace walking around the perimeter and move towards the middle. We suggest overlapping the pattern by 1 to 2 feet to ensure complete coverage. W
- Step 4: Water or irrigate treated areas within 24 hours after applying the granules. This ensures the granules soak into the soil for maximum results.
Where to Use
Imidacloprid .5G can be used on residential and commercial turfs, lawns, ornamental gardens, golf courses, parks, sports fields, and other outdoor landscaped areas except for commercial sod farms. Do not spread Imidacloprid .5G in areas that are flooded or over saturated as this will prevent penetration to the root system.
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