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Understanding Herbicides and Their Classification

Comprender los herbicidas y su clasificación


Los herbicidas son compuestos químicos que se utilizan para controlar o matar plantas no deseadas, comúnmente conocidas como malas hierbas. Los herbicidas se usan ampliamente en la agricultura, el paisajismo y la jardinería para mantener áreas libres de malezas y proteger las plantas deseadas.

Explicación de herbicidas

Los herbicidas se pueden clasificar según su acción, selectividad y aplicación.

Importancia de la clasificación de herbicidas

The classification of herbicides is important because it helps to select the appropriate herbicide for the task at hand. This ensures the effectiveness of the herbicide while minimizing the risk of damage to the desired plants.

Herbicide Classification

Herbicides can be classified based on their action, selectivity, and application.

Classification Based on Action

Herbicides can be classified into two types based on their action:

Contact Herbicides

Contact herbicides act on the surface of the plant and do not penetrate the plant tissues. These herbicides are effective in controlling annual weeds.

Systemic Herbicides

Systemic herbicides penetrate the plant tissues and are effective in controlling perennial weeds.

Classification Based on Selectivity

Herbicides can also be classified based on their selectivity, which refers to the herbicide’s ability to distinguish between unwanted and desired plants. There are two types of herbicides based on selectivity:

Selective Herbicides

Selective herbicides are designed to control only certain weed species without harming desired plants.

Non-Selective Herbicides

Non-selective herbicides act on all plants and do not distinguish between weed species and desired plants.

Classification Based on Application

Herbicides can also be classified based on their application, which refers to the timing of the application in relation to the plant growth stage. There are two types of herbicides based on application:

Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Pre-emergent herbicides are applied before weeds emerge from the soil.

Post-Emergent Herbicides

Post-emergent herbicides are applied after weeds have emerged from the soil.

Herbicide Use

To use herbicides effectively, it is important to prepare the area before application, select appropriate herbicides, apply herbicides using appropriate techniques, and take safety measures during application.

Preparation of the Area Before Application

Before applying herbicides, it is important to prepare the area properly. This includes removing large weeds and preparing the soil.

Selection of Appropriate Herbicides

When selecting herbicides, it is important to consider the type of weed, the area to be treated, the soil type, and the desired plants present in the area.

Application Techniques

The most common techniques for herbicide application are spraying and band application. The choice of the appropriate technique depends on the type of weed and the area to be treated.

Safety Measures During Application

It is important to take appropriate safety measures during herbicide application to minimize the risk of exposure to chemicals. This includes using personal protective equipment, providing adequate ventilation, and cleaning the application equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are herbicides and why are they used?

Herbicides are chemical compounds used to control or kill unwanted plants, commonly known as weeds. They are widely used in agriculture, landscaping, and gardening to keep areas free of weeds and protect desired plants.

How are herbicides classified?

Los herbicidas se pueden clasificar según su modo de acción, selectividad y método de aplicación.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre herbicidas selectivos y no selectivos?

Los herbicidas selectivos atacan plantas específicas sin dañar a otras, mientras que los herbicidas no selectivos matan todas las plantas con las que entran en contacto.

¿Cómo elijo el herbicida adecuado?

Para elegir el herbicida adecuado, debe considerar factores como el tipo de maleza, su etapa de crecimiento, el método de aplicación y el medio ambiente.

¿Cómo preparo la zona antes de aplicar herbicidas?

Antes de aplicar herbicidas, es importante preparar el área adecuadamente. Esto incluye eliminar las malas hierbas grandes y preparar el suelo.


Comprender los herbicidas y su clasificación es esencial para seleccionar el herbicida apropiado para la tarea en cuestión. Esto asegura la efectividad del herbicida mientras minimiza el riesgo de daño a las plantas deseadas. Al preparar el área, seleccionar el herbicida correcto, aplicarlo correctamente y tomar las medidas de seguridad, puede usar herbicidas de manera efectiva para controlar las malezas y promover el crecimiento saludable de las plantas.

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